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Source language
Engels Possible-reasons-rejection
Possible reasons for a rejection
talking about a translation that has not been accepted

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Olası-nedenler-ret
Duits Mögliche-Gründe-Ablehnung
Spaans Posibles-razones-rechazo
Katalaans Possibles-motius-rebuig
Japannees Possible-reasons-rejection
Russies Возможные причины для сброса
Esperanto Eblaj kialoj por rifuzo
Frans Raisons-possibles-refus
Portugees Possíveis-motivos-rejeição
Bulgaars Възможни-причини-отхвърляне
Romeens Romanian translation
Arabies أسباب-محتملة-رفض
Hebreeus סיבות אפשריות לדחייה
Italiaans Possibili motivi del rifiuto
Albanies Arsyet e mundshme për një refuzim
Pools Prawdopodobne powody odrzucenia
Sweeds Möjliga-anledningar-förkastande
Deens Mulige-begrundelser-afvisning
Sjinees vereenvoudig 可能-原因-拒绝
Grieks Πιθανοί-λόγοι-απόρριψη
Serwies Moguci-razlozi-odbijanje
Fins Mahdollisia-hylkäämisen-syitä
Tsjeggies Možné-důvody-odmítnutí
Hongaars Visszautasitás-lehetséges okok
Brasiliaanse Portugees possíveis-razoes-rejeição
Noors Mulige-grunner-avslå
Koreaans 가능한-이유들-거절
Farsie-Persies محتمل-دلایل-رد شدن
Litaus Galimos atmetimo priežastys
Slowaaks Možné dôvody odmietnutia
Afrikaans Moontlike-redes-afkeuring
Viëtnamees Lí do-loại bỏ-hợp lý
Source language
Engels Translation-interrogation-exclamation
The translation must take into account the specific rules of the target language. For example in Spanish the reverse interrogation or exclamation point comes before the sentence, in Japanese the sentences end with "。" ( not with "." ) and there is no space before the next sentence, etc...

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Vetaling-overhoring-uitroep
Esperanto traduko-demando-krisigno
Frans Traduction-spécifiques-d'interrogation
Duits Ãœbersetzung-Fragezeichen-Ausrufezeichen
Russies Перевод-вопрос-восклицание
Katalaans Traducció-interrogació-exclamació
Spaans Traducción-interrogación-exclamación
Japannees Translation-interrogation-exclamation
Sloweens prevod - posebna pravila
Sjinees vereenvoudig 翻译-问号-感叹号
Arabies ترجمة-استجواب-استفهام
Italiaans Traduzione-specifiche-interrogativo
Turks Çeviri - sorgulama - ünlem
Bulgaars Превод - питане - междуметие
Romeens Traducere-întrebare-exclamaţie
Portugees tradução-interrogações-exclamações
Hebreeus תרגום - שאלה - קריאה
Albanies Përkthime-pikepyetje-pikeçuditese
Sweeds Specifika regler
Deens Oversættelse-spørgsmål-udråb
Hongaars Fordítás-kérdés-felkiáltás
Grieks Μετάφραση-ερώτηση-θαυμαστικό
Serwies Prevod-upitni-uzvicni
Fins Käännös-kysymys-huudahdus
Sjinees 翻譯-問號-感嘆號
Brasiliaanse Portugees Tradução- interrogação- exclamação
Kroasies Prevod-upitni-uzvicni
Pools translation-tlumaczenie
Engels Translation-exclamation-sentences
Noors Oversettelse-Spørsmål-utrops
Koreaans 번역-감탄사-문장
Tsjeggies Překlad-vykřičník-věty
Farsie-Persies ترجمه-علامت-جملات
Slowaaks Preklad - zvolacie vety a otázky
Iers Aistriúchán-ceist-agall
Afrikaans Vertaling-vraagteken-uitroepteken
Hindi अनुवाद-समबोधन-वाक्य
Viëtnamees Việc phiên dịch phải giải thích những quy định đặc biệt cho ngôn ngữ mục tiêu.
Source language
Sweeds stress
Stress utgör idag en stor faktor till olika sjukdomar. Inom vården möter sjuksköterskan många patienter som ofta har stressymtom.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Sress
Brasiliaanse Portugees Stress
Source language
Italiaans buongiorno piccolo Rudy come stai?
buongiorno piccolo Rudy come stai?
vorrei la traduzione in lettere perché devo mandare il messaggio via sms.
Rudy é un nome proprio di persona

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Hello, little Rudy, how are you?
Hebreeus שלום רודי הקטן מה שלומך?
Brasiliaanse Portugees Olá pequeno Rudy, como você está?
Turks Merhaba küçük Rudy nasılsın?
Source language
Portugees Rescisão de contrato Um comum acordo...
Rescisão de contrato

Um comum acordo acertado no início da tarde de hoje entre o atleta e o gerente de futebol Anderson Barros, gerou a rescisão de contrato de trabalho entre o Figueirense e o atacante Daniel Bamberg.

Catarinense de São Lourenço do Oeste, Daniel Bamberg tem 20 anos de idade, chegou ao clube no início da atual temporada e jogou cinco partidas na equipe titular no Campeonato Estadual da Divisão Principal.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Contract's rescission
Brasiliaanse Portugees Rescisão de contrato
Source language
Noors Jeg elsker De også... mere enn noe som helst
Jeg elsker De også... mere enn noe som helst

Vertalings gedaan
Engels love
Brasiliaanse Portugees Amor
Source language
Spaans La maquina que domina el mundo
La maquina que domina el mundo

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn machina quae in mundum dominatur
Brasiliaanse Portugees A máquina que domina o mundo
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